Africa’s Innovation Revolution

Five of the 10 countries with the highest number of start-ups in the entire world are in Africa, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. With the fastest-growing population on earth, Africa represents the highest human capital potential globally and reports released by institutions such as the World Bank, World Economic Forum, and Deloitte underscore innovation …

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The Future of Innovation in Ethiopia

The future of Innovation in Ethiopia looks bright. 70% of university students study science and engineering subjects, making Ethiopia the highest source of technical talent in Africa today. A rise in incubators and technology labs has seen a proliferation of innovative ideas but the commercialization of technology innovation has been an uphill struggle for many …

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የፌድራል ፖሊስ ኃይል የዕውቅና እና የምሥጋና ሥነ ሥርዓት

የኢትዮጵያ ፌድራል ፖሊስ በተለያዩ የኃይል ዘርፎች ተደራጅተው አገልግሎት ለሚሠጡ አባሎች ዕውቅና እና ምሥጋና በሠጠበት ወቅት የነበሩ ትዕይንቶች በዚህ ቪዲዮ አማካኝነት ቀርበዋል። በጣም የሚደንቁ እና ደስ የሚሉ አድረጃጀቶች ናቸው። ችግሩ እነዚህ የፈረጠመ የችግር መከላካያ ክንድ ስለሆኑ ለምን ይህን ያህል ዝግጅት አስፈለገ የሚል ጥያቄ ያስነሳሉ። መልሱ ደግሞ በመጀመሪያ የጸጥታ ሥጋት መኖሩ ሲሆን የሥጋቱ መነሻ የፖለቲካ መበላሸት እንደ …

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Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

The goal of our previous discussions in this class has been to understand the inheritance of a single trait, a trait that may be controlled by one, a few, or many genes. The goal of population genetics is different. Rather than studying the inheritance of a trait, population genetics attempts to describe how the frequency …

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What is Evolution?

The basic idea of biological evolution is that populations and species of organisms change over time. Today, when we think of evolution, we are likely to link this idea with one specific person: the British naturalist Charles Darwin. In the 1850s, Darwin wrote an influential and controversial book called On the Origin of Species. In it, …

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Fine Tuning Parameters

“Fine-tuning” refers to various features of the universe that are necessary conditions for the existence of complex life. Such features include the initial conditions and “brute facts” of the universe as a whole, the laws of nature or the numerical constants present in those laws (such as the gravitational force constant), and local features of habitable planets (such as a planet’s …

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