I’m not voting for Trump or Biden. You want my vote? Choose better candidates. (Dace Postas)

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Shortly after Nikki Haley dropped out of the GOP presidential primary, I wrote a column stating that despite being a conservative, I won’t vote for either Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

Despite dozens of furious emails proclaiming that I am not a real conservative, that I am some secret Democrat, or encouraging me to vote Biden, I have not changed my mind.

However, I think that one argument is one worth addressing. Many people read the column and told me that every vote is valuable and my choice to not vote is throwing away my right to have my voice heard. 

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We are unbelievably lucky in America to have a vote that actually matters. That is something I do not take for granted. As much as people like to incorrectly claim that our elections are somehow rigged, we do not live in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, where he recently received a staggering 87% of the vote in an election devoid of any meaningful opposition. 


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