አፍሪካውያንን ያስገረሙት ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ሚያ ሞተሊ በዓድዋ ጀምረው በዓድዋ የፈጸሙበት አስገራሚ ንግግር ምንድነው? (EBC)

አፍሪካውያንን ያስገረሙት ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ሚያ ሞተሊ በዓድዋ ጀምረው በዓድዋ የፈጸሙበት አስገራሚ ንግግር ምንድነው? A speech by Prime Minister Mia Motely of the West Indian Island of Barbados, at the 38th African Union Summit, February 2025. Watch the Video

Building Resilience and Boosting Growth in Asia

Opening Remarks by Deputy Managing Director Kenji Okamura at the 7th IMF-JICA Conference, Tokyo, Japan Honorable Ministers and Governors, President Tanaka, Vice Minister Mimura, and Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the 7th IMF-JICA Conference. I am so pleased to be here. Let me first express my gratitude to our co-organizer, JICA, and to the Japanese authorities …

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A Stronger Engine for Middle East and North Africa’s Growth (

IMF’s Managing Director’s Keynote Speech at the Ninth Arab Fiscal Forum, Dubai, UAE. Assalamu alaikum, your excellencies. I would like to thank Minister Al Hussaini for the United Arab Emirates’ continued warm hospitality in hosting this important annual event, as well as his excellent leadership of the World Bank’s Development Committee. It is a privilege …

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Putin’s Ukraine: The End of War and the Price of Russian Occupation (Nataliya Gumenyuk)

From afar, the situation Ukraine faces after three years of full-scale war with Russia seems clear. Over the past 12 months, Moscow has intensified its assault on civilian populations, sending drones, missiles, and bombs in almost daily attacks on cities across the country. Infrastructure and power stations have been relentlessly targeted. Millions of people have …

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The Path to American Authoritarianism: What Comes After Democratic Breakdown (Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way)

Donald Trump’s first election to the presidency in 2016 triggered an energetic defense of democracy from the American establishment. But his return to office has been met with striking indifference. Many of the politicians, pundits, media figures, and business leaders who viewed Trump as a threat to democracy eight years ago now treat those concerns …

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American Federalism Today: Is the united states still a Competitive Federal system? (Paul E. Peterson and Carlos X. Lastra-Anadón)

In democratic societies, competitive federalism exists when elected officials at lower tiers of government have independent authority to determine a broad range of tax, expenditure, and regulatory policies (Feld et al. 2004). Within such a system, the higher and lower tiers each have a specific domestic policy function to perform (Peterson 1995). The central government …

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American Federalism Today: when Are state liabilities Federal liabilities? Social Insurance and Federalism (Joshua Rauh and Jillian Ludwig)

Introduction: In recent decades, the United States has seen a trend toward increasing federalization of the financing of government programs, even as states continue to control the administration of those programs. This can be seen in the most basic fact that federal spending as a share of total government spending has increased from 65 percent …

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American Federalism Today: Federalist system of healthcare Financing in America (Thomas MaCurdy and Jay Bhattacharya)

Introduction: The healthcare sector comprises a prominent segment of the American economy, touching all people’s lives and supporting their health and well-being. This sector currently consumes nearly one-fifth of the US GDP, with its share continually rising. In 2019, the healthcare sector employed 11 percent of American workers, and healthcare spending accounted for 8.1 percent …

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