3,000 Years of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in 13 Minutes (The History Hub)
A succinct summary of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict history. Watch the Video
ፍትህ ለሁሉም / Justice for All
A succinct summary of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict history. Watch the Video
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How Britain started the current Israel – Palestine conflict. Watch the Video
This is the source of all confusions about Jewish history. Worthy to listen to especially to those who want to understand the roots of current Israel-Palestine conflict. Did really Abraham live for 175 years? I do not think so. Watch the Video
This video is a great illustration of how democracy is misunderstood, especially when they talk about different democracies. One of the many types of democracies they list is authoritarian democracy – mixing the two concepts that are antithesis to each other. The concept of democracy is universal as it always and everywhere has the same …
November 1947: the United Nations votes the partition plan for Palestine. For some, a dream becomes reality. For others, it’s the start of a catastrophe. 70 years after this historic vote: the land of Palestine remains an open wound –a battleground for two peoples torn apart by their shared history, a source of inextricable tension …
The talk is chaired by Dr Carolina Alves Associate Professor in Economics at University College London (UCL) IIPP, in conversation with Dr Farwa Sial, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer – Development Finance, EURODAD, Dr Lucia Pradella, Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy, King’s College London and Prof. Julio D. Dávila, UCL Professor of Urban Policy …
The most confused philosopher, just like Alexander Dugin himself. Dugin is a Russian “philosopher” who developed the fourth political theory. Watch the Video
Metamodernism might be the most important idea you come this year. According to Hanzi Freinacht, the pioneer of political metamodernism, metamodernism is a new cultural phase that transcends and includes (to use Ken Wilber’s Integral Philosophy language) the previous phase of Postmodernism (which is turn transcended and included the previous phase of Modernity). Hanzi Freinacht …