”እንደ እኔ ያለ መሪ ታሪክ ነው” ዐቢይ፤ እኔ እኔ እኔ እኔ እኔ እኔ…. ”ሕዝቡ ማንን መቼ እንደሚያወዳድር አያውቅም” (ETHIO FORUM)
Self-inflating expressions Abiy. Watch the Video
ፍትህ ለሁሉም / Justice for All
Self-inflating expressions Abiy. Watch the Video
A presentation on British’s civil war that caused Thomas Hobbes to justify state as better alternative to the state of nature. Watch the Video
የዐብይ እና የ ቴወድሮስ ተሾመ ፊልም። Watch the Video
Presentation on the future of progress. Watch the Video
መንግሥቱ “ትግላችን”ን ሲጽፍ እረዕሱ እራሱ ምን ያህል አላዋቂ እንደሆነ ከሚያሳየው በላይ በውስጡ ስለፋኖ ያለውን ማንበብ ወይም በአገልግል በዚህ ቪዲዮ እንደቀረበው ማዳመጥ መንግሥቱ ስለፋኖ ምንም ግንዛቤ እንደሌለው ያሳያል። መንግሥቱ ቅን ምኞት ይኖረው ይሆናል። ነገር ግን ከውትድርና ባሻገር ስለሕብረተሰብ ምንም የማወቅ ሙከራ ያላደረገ ስለሆነ አለማወቁ አይፈረድበትም። አውቃለሁ ብሎ የማያውቀውን ሲዘላብድ ግን ስህተት ነህ ማለት ተገቢ ነው። Watch …
Chaos Theory conjures up images of nature gone haywire, with all sense of order cast aside. But there is a fascinating and hidden side to Chaos, one that scientists are now beginning to glimpse. In his continued exploration of the laws of nature, Jim Al-Khalili, the host of “Everything and Nothing,” shows that Chaos Theory …
In a year when citizens will cast their votes in elections across the world we’re turning our attention to the art and science of democracy and decision-making. Democratic societies rely on fact-based world views and science, but also on narratives that can bring together large, diverse communities. At a time when democracies are straining to …
A simple course on logic from Ayn Rand Institute. Watch the Video